Our school uniform provides children with a sense of shared identity
- Light blue long sleeve blouse
- Navy cardigan or jumper
- Grey pinafore dress or skirt
- Charcoal grey, navy or white tights
- Plain black shoes to be worn
Girls’ grey pinafore dress/skirts must be worn below the knee. Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery is allowed with the exception of small stud earrings.
Unbranded items can by bought from any school uniform suppliers such as supermarkets and other brand clothes stores such as Marks and Spencer’s.
Help with Cost
If any parent/carer cannot provide their daughter with school uniform because they cannot afford it, financial help may be available. Second hand uniform is also available, please contact the school office for more information and how to obtain it. Please contact the school office, admin.primarygirls@lubavitchmat.uk for further questions about the cost of uniform.