TLC - Teaching and Learning Centre
Why The Learning Centre?
Traditionally, the SEND department has focussed on pupils who are perceived to have the greatest learning challenges within the classroom environment. However, every pupil has particular needs to perform to maximum ability in school; these need to be identified and planned for. This maybe because they are exceptionally able and require learning opportunities to reach their true potential or a pupil faced with a personal barrier to learning. The Learning Centre will ultimately seek to provide strategic planning for all pupils to achieve their best.
SEND - Special educational needs and disability
SEND provision for Children and Young People at Lubavitch Junior Girls' Primary School
Please click here for the SEND Information Report
Please click here for the SEND Offer
The policy can be found by clicking here
Accessibility plan can be found here
The School's SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) is Mrs L Lee. She can be contacted through the school's main switchboard or via email l.lee@lubavitchmat.uk
The SEN trustee is Mrs C. Mills.